8-آموزش کار با AutoCompleteTextView

خوب ، آموزش های اجزای فرم رو تمام کردیم در این قسمت قراره آموزش کار با AutoCompleterTextView را بررسی کنیم.
یک ویو است که با توجه به مقدار های داده شده گزینه هایی را پیشنهاد میدهد مانند عکس زیر:

1-فایلی بنام list_item.xml بسازید و کد های زیر را در آن قرار دهید و در پوشه ResourceLayout قرار دهید.
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >

< TextView xmlns:android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_width = "fill_parent"
android:layout_height = "fill_parent"
android:padding = "10dp"
android:textSize = "16sp"
android:textColor = "#000" >
< / TextView >
در این جا ما فایلی ساختیم که به لیست بدم تا آیتم ها را شخصی سازی کند با تغییر انها میتوانید لیست شخصی سازی شده خود را بسازید.
2-فایل main.axml را باز کرده و سپس کد های زیر را در آن قرار دهید.
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< LinearLayout xmlns:android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation = "horizontal"
android:layout_width = "fill_parent"
android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
android:padding = "5dp" >
< TextView
android:layout_width = "wrap_content"
android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
android:text = "Country" / >
< AutoCompleteTextView android:id = "@+id/autocomplete_country"
android:layout_width = "fill_parent"
android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
android:layout_marginLeft = "5dp" / >
< / LinearLayout >
در اینجا ما یک لیاوت به Main دادیم تا یک تکست حاوی متن Country و یک AutoCompleteTextview اد کردیم.
3-حال Mainactivity.cs را باز کیند و کد های زیر را در آن بنویسید. بعد از عبارت public class MainActivty بنویسید.
static string [] COUNTRIES = new string [] {
"Afghanistan" , "Albania" , "Algeria" , "American Samoa" , "Andorra" ,
"Angola" , "Anguilla" , "Antarctica" , "Antigua and Barbuda" , "Argentina" ,
"Armenia" , "Aruba" , "Australia" , "Austria" , "Azerbaijan" ,
"Bahrain" , "Bangladesh" , "Barbados" , "Belarus" , "Belgium" ,
"Belize" , "Benin" , "Bermuda" , "Bhutan" , "Bolivia" ,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina" , "Botswana" , "Bouvet Island" , "Brazil" , "British Indian Ocean Territory" ,
"British Virgin Islands" , "Brunei" , "Bulgaria" , "Burkina Faso" , "Burundi" ,
"Cote d'Ivoire" , "Cambodia" , "Cameroon" , "Canada" , "Cape Verde" ,
"Cayman Islands" , "Central African Republic" , "Chad" , "Chile" , "China" ,
"Christmas Island" , "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" , "Colombia" , "Comoros" , "Congo" ,
"Cook Islands" , "Costa Rica" , "Croatia" , "Cuba" , "Cyprus" , "Czech Republic" ,
"Democratic Republic of the Congo" , "Denmark" , "Djibouti" , "Dominica" , "Dominican Republic" ,
"East Timor" , "Ecuador" , "Egypt" , "El Salvador" , "Equatorial Guinea" , "Eritrea" ,
"Estonia" , "Ethiopia" , "Faeroe Islands" , "Falkland Islands" , "Fiji" , "Finland" ,
"Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" , "France" , "French Guiana" , "French Polynesia" ,
"French Southern Territories" , "Gabon" , "Georgia" , "Germany" , "Ghana" , "Gibraltar" ,
"Greece" , "Greenland" , "Grenada" , "Guadeloupe" , "Guam" , "Guatemala" , "Guinea" , "Guinea-Bissau" ,
"Guyana" , "Haiti" , "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" , "Honduras" , "Hong Kong" , "Hungary" ,
"Iceland" , "India" , "Indonesia" , "Iran" , "Iraq" , "Ireland" , "Israel" , "Italy" , "Jamaica" ,
"Japan" , "Jordan" , "Kazakhstan" , "Kenya" , "Kiribati" , "Kuwait" , "Kyrgyzstan" , "Laos" ,
"Latvia" , "Lebanon" , "Lesotho" , "Liberia" , "Libya" , "Liechtenstein" , "Lithuania" , "Luxembourg" ,
"Macau" , "Madagascar" , "Malawi" , "Malaysia" , "Maldives" , "Mali" , "Malta" , "Marshall Islands" ,
"Martinique" , "Mauritania" , "Mauritius" , "Mayotte" , "Mexico" , "Micronesia" , "Moldova" ,
"Monaco" , "Mongolia" , "Montserrat" , "Morocco" , "Mozambique" , "Myanmar" , "Namibia" ,
"Nauru" , "Nepal" , "Netherlands" , "Netherlands Antilles" , "New Caledonia" , "New Zealand" ,
"Nicaragua" , "Niger" , "Nigeria" , "Niue" , "Norfolk Island" , "North Korea" , "Northern Marianas" ,
"Norway" , "Oman" , "Pakistan" , "Palau" , "Panama" , "Papua New Guinea" , "Paraguay" , "Peru" ,
"Philippines" , "Pitcairn Islands" , "Poland" , "Portugal" , "Puerto Rico" , "Qatar" ,
"Reunion" , "Romania" , "Russia" , "Rwanda" , "Sqo Tome and Principe" , "Saint Helena" ,
"Saint Kitts and Nevis" , "Saint Lucia" , "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" ,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" , "Samoa" , "San Marino" , "Saudi Arabia" , "Senegal" ,
"Seychelles" , "Sierra Leone" , "Singapore" , "Slovakia" , "Slovenia" , "Solomon Islands" ,
"Somalia" , "South Africa" , "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" , "South Korea" ,
"Spain" , "Sri Lanka" , "Sudan" , "Suriname" , "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" , "Swaziland" , "Sweden" ,
"Switzerland" , "Syria" , "Taiwan" , "Tajikistan" , "Tanzania" , "Thailand" , "The Bahamas" ,
"The Gambia" , "Togo" , "Tokelau" , "Tonga" , "Trinidad and Tobago" , "Tunisia" , "Turkey" ,
"Turkmenistan" , "Turks and Caicos Islands" , "Tuvalu" , "Virgin Islands" , "Uganda" ,
"Ukraine" , "United Arab Emirates" , "United Kingdom" ,
"United States" , "United States Minor Outlying Islands" , "Uruguay" , "Uzbekistan" ,
"Vanuatu" , "Vatican City" , "Venezuela" , "Vietnam" , "Wallis and Futuna" , "Western Sahara" ,
"Yemen" , "Yugoslavia" , "Zambia" , "Zimbabwe"
در اینجا یک آرایه از جنس متن (String) ساختیم و لیست کشور ها را در آن ذخیره کردیم
4-حال مند OnCreate را بصورت زیر تغییر دهید
protected override void OnCreate ( Bundle bundle)
base . OnCreate (bundle);

// Set our view from the "Main" layout resource
SetContentView ( Resource . Layout . Main );

AutoCompleteTextView textView = FindViewById < AutoCompleteTextView > ( Resource . Id . autocomplete_country );
var adapter = new ArrayAdapter < String > ( this , Resource . Layout . list_item , COUNTRIES );

textView. Adapter = adapter;
در این مرحله یک آداپتر آرایه ساختیم و لیاوت ساخته شده در مرحله 1 را به آن دادیم و سپس اداپتر را برای TextView ست کردیم
حال پروژه را اجرا کنید صفحه ای مانند تصویر زیر را خواهید دید.

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